
mercredi 19 janvier 2011


உயிரோடு இருக்கும்போது ஒரு கரண்டி நெய்க்கு வழி இல்லை, ஓமத்துக்கு ஒன்பது கரண்டி நெய் விட்டது போல .

While he was alive they couldn’t not afford one spoonful of ghee, now they spend nine spoons of ghee for the cermonial fire.
Addressed to people who cant afford thing but still do it to please others. Here a family which couldnt afford a spoon of ghee now spends nine spoons for the death cermony just to put a show to others and please others who come for the cermony. Most marraiges in India are done this way. When family cant afford much money they get loans and arrange a grand marraige.

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